Our Pencil Golf Bag is just right for the walking hickory golfer
This is our offering of a Pencil Golf Bag designed in a Traditional Hickory Style. The bag is 34 inches tall and has a 5 inch opening at the top. It will carry up to 9 clubs and is made out of sturdy canvas and real leather. Fiberglass stays are installed to keep the bag upright at all times. Balls, gloves, and tees can be carried in the two pockets, one is zippered and the other has a buckle closure. There is an umbrella holder and a strap to hold a sweater or jacket when not being worn. This bag is light, it weighs under 2 pounds which makes it ideal as a carry bag allowing you to walk the course when you play. It can be used with our bag stand to make removal of clubs much easier. The shoulder strap is 2 inches at its widest point and there is a carry handle to make lifting the entire bag easy when placing it or removing it from your car trunk or seat. There is also a padded sleeve on the strap to keep your shoulder comfortable. The zippered pocket is quite large and capable of carrying numerous golf accessories. I like this bag, it is easy to use, sturdy, light and looks great. I especially like carrying it so that I can walk a course and not get tired of lifting my clubs and carrying them over my shoulder. It makes it possible to walk a course and develop a rhythm of hitting, walking and thinking about my next shot without having to concentrate on driving a golf car and taking my partner to his ball and then going to my ball. I also like the exercise of walking a course, since most of us have sedentary jobs that fail to give us a good workout when we go to work. Walking while playing a course does not take more time I find, since I can often go straight to my ball without having to stay on the cart path, or follow 90 degree rules. Carrying is especially efficient when playing a course that is wet and you are not allowed to get off the cart path. This bag makes golf more fun since you can get more exercise and you have time to think about your shot in advance and be ready to hit when it's your turn. This kind of "ready" golf makes the round go faster and gives you the health benefits gained from walking a course. Be sure to look below at the Bob Titterton Bag Stand that goes nicely with our new golf bag. The stand makes it easier to select your club and put it back as you are playing and you don't have to lay your bag down on the wet grass or dirt while you are making a shot. Both go well together and compliment each other. OUR BAG NOW COMES IN FIVE COLORS: TRADITIONAL TAN, TAVERN GREEN, BUFFALO BROWN, LAFAYETTE BLUE and BLACK!
Our Brand New 7 Inch Golf Bag with Cover
By Popular Demand we are now offering a new 7 Inch Diameter Golf Bag for our Customers. We designed this bag to be light and light it is, only 3 pounds and 5 ounces. We asked for two larger pockets, one is 16 inches long and the other is 10 inches long. This will allow you to carry or stow a rain suit, or a sweater or pullover. The smaller pocket will hold balls, gloves, bug spray and sunscreen. The Top cover is 17 inches long so that you can cover your clubs when it rains or when you stow them in your car or closet. ( The bag cover is no longer sewn to the bag but comes separate and can be stored in the side pocket. Several customers requested this change.) The bag has two fiberglass stiffeners that hold the bag upright and allow you to use a push cart or motorized cart without the bag sliding down on your clubs. There is a tee holder sewn in the side of the bag. There is an umbrella holder sewn into the side and bottom of the bag to hold your umbrella. And as a final touch the shoulder strap has a nice soft lambswool liner to make it easy on your shoulder when carrying the bag. This bag will hold 14 clubs and an umbrella so you are all set! We were able to get all of this put together for a reasonable price of $189 and we have the bag in all five colors: Black, Buffalo Brown, Traditional Tan, Tavern Green, and Lafayette Blue. Click on the arrows below to select your color. And be sure to take advantage of our Special that includes the Bob Titterton Bag Stand at a reduced price by buying the bag and stand together. ( You save $13 over the separate price)
Black Buffalo Brown Tan Tavern Green Lafayette Blue
Hickory Club Display Racks

These beautiful racks are made right here in Vermont by Vermont Craftsmen from solid select Vermont Maple. Racks are shipped in four main pieces and are easily assembled with simple tools. Directions for assembly and wall mounting are included. Racks are approximately 32 inches high and can be up to 41 inches wide depending upon size desired. The racks can accommodate any where from 6 to 12 clubs. 6 Club Rack: $133; 8 club Rack: $143; 10 Club Rack: $153; 12 Club Rack: $163. Racks are disassembled to facilitate shipping costs. This is a great way to display your clubs in your den or office and a great way to have your clubs visible in the off season. I find that I am constantly checking out my favorite clubs during the winter and remembering playing with them in the past year. If only our clubs could talk and tell us of the great rounds and difficult shots they have pulled off over the centuries. I can only imagine the stories they could tell. I often remember a particular shot I made with each club and where and when it happened. This rack allows your clubs to be a great decoration for your den or game room in your house. I have four of these in our downstairs extra bedroom and game room. The racks come in a horizontal and vertical style. Indicate which type you want and for how many clubs you want to accommodate on the two Sections below.